Saturday, August 23, 2008

Make 'em say UGGGHH..... NOW STOP!!

Okay everyone....I've been on a roll this week with my blogs (recommend me to your friends).... So those of you who know me, know that I recently decided to cut my cable off and begin "Cable Detoxification". TV was beginning to just be waaaay too much. Too many crappy shows, too many negative images, and too much money. So randomly one afternoon, I unhooked my cable cord, grabbed a box, and told Time Warner to have a good day! And recently I was just given a good reason to do so.

Well it appears that Americas favorite dancing No Limit Soldier has decided to launch a new TV network: BBTV(Better Black TeleVision). Such a creative name! *insert sarcastic remark here* So I ask myself... "Self.... .who in da HELL approved such an asinine idea? and FURTHERMORE.... what da hell kinda shows are you going to have?" So I have decided to come up with a few ideas for show which would be appropriate for his new network:

  • Mama Mia's Southern Greased Cuisine- How many of you all remember No Limit's "1st Lady" Mia X. Well she's back with a new agenda. Instead of serving up hot raunchy lyrics, she's serving up Hot Steamy, Freak Hoe Gumbo (a secret family recipe). Just make sure you "bounce yo knees and touch yo elbows" when you eat it....Enhances its succulent flavor.
  • Danger: TRU Life.... I'm a broke prisoner!- Okay you know I had to pick on Mystical, who is currently in Jail for raping his hair braider and for tax evasion. Lets follow him around jail and let him perform a Jail Cell EXCLUSIVE (**Insert annoying DJ Clue sound off**) so he can help pay his debt.
  • Romeo Shakespeare's.. I WANNA BE MADE... into a real rapper!- So we all know how Master P has pretty much auctioned off his son to the world so he can make money for the label. Why don't we help out his deteriorating music career and help him be a real rapper... that way he won't have to pretend he's a thug. We can give him a few professional tips on how to be a "Supreme Lyricist". But while we are at it.... Let's invite several other potential candidates who would benefit from this gracious experience. Listed below are a few potential folks who should be invited to the casting call:
    --- Bow Wow- Just because you drop the "lil" doesn't make you a real rapper!
    --- Chance & Real- New York can't help her own career, let alone yours!
    --- Dylan- Who are the 5 worst rappers alive... DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN....... cuz u spit wack $#!%
    --- Ja' Rule- Your career is MURDAAAA!!!!
    --- Vanilla Ice- As an Alpha, I thank you for your only important single and a reason to stroll, but your lyrical skills and shinny suits weren't da bizness!
    --- Noreaga- You gets NO love for making an ENTIRE song about WHAT! have your agent call me IMMEDIATELY.
    --- I am still taking nominations for others. email
  • Dancing with the Coons- Since our favorite Thug turned Conscience No N-word using rapper is looking for crossover appeal..... Let's allow him to invite 15 white celebrities and teach him how to do today's latest dances. I.e. Supaman, Soulja Boi, Crank that _____, Roy, and any other dumb ass dance thats out here these days. Who ever can coon the longest wins a LIFETIME supply of Murray's hair promanade, Red Kool-aid, and Watermelon seeds!!

I think this new lineup will be sure to set us back 350 years! Good job Percy!

Friday, August 22, 2008



And this is why I can't have kids... cuz I would have beat these kids to the white meat!!!!

Patriotic: To be or not to be.... that is the question

So a friend of mine and I had a discussion the other day about patriotism. Its apparently been the new overused word since September 11th. Prior to Sept. 11th, patriotism was always seen as corny... and the greatest extent to most Americans patriotism was singing the national anthem (and trying to remember to take your hat off). Now a days its almost like we look for a reason to pick on someone for their lack of patriotism (ie. Obama and flag pin)

But what exactly is patriotism? Is it the constant extra dramatic use of flags everywhere or singing the Star Spangled Banner.. or is it simply pursuing the (White) American Dream. Pretty much... If you want to be "patriotic" in the U.S. you have to be a 65 year old, Christan, White man, with 2 kids, 2 cars, a 4 bedroom house surrounded by a white picket fence and 100K worth of debt. Is it possible at all to be Afrocentric or maintain any type of heritage/allegiance to another country and still being patriotic? Or.... here's a killer question? Can and should African Americans embrace patriotism given the past history of this country and the current condition and attitudes towards African Americans?

Personally....I'm torn on the issue. While I do appreciate the my freedom and rights, which took the blood, sweat, and tears of those civil rights leaders before me. I still find it hard to be an African American man and be "patriotic" at the same time. How can I "sing her praises won" when I know at any moment I can be pulled over for DWB (Driving While Black) and have the possibility of being shot, murdered, and stripped of these very liberties that I love and are frankly... rightfully mine (thanks to the blood, sweat, and tears of the 5 generations before me). How can I be patriotic when the foundation of this country is based on the same thing our soldiers are fighting against every single day.... TERRORISM!!! Yea.... that whole rob, steal, pillage, rape and kill of Native Americans.... not very patriotic. Or how about the fact that this country was founded by mostly criminals and deadbeats who deserted their own country, principles, and ideals, for a "pipe dream". Or better yet... how can I be patriotic when I know that millions of people are homeless in the street, thousands of children are in PISS POOR schools, don't have adequate health care, live in dangerous neighborhoods....... yet they do their patriotic duty by paying taxes, voting, and serving on jury duty. And what thanks does America do...... bend over and $%!& on the poor and minority families.

I dunno... the more I look at it.... it gets harder and harder. I guess I'll find some happy medium and try to be patriotic and VOTE this upcoming election. Hopefully a few things will change for the better. That's if McCain **cough** SATAN **cough** doesn't get elected.

On a brighter note.... I came across the smoothest version of the National Anthem ever sung. Posted below is the one and only, Marvin Gave at the All Star Game in 1983.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Elitism or Clouded Vision?

So today..... just like any other day, I spend a couple of hours during my morning to peruse various blogs and newspapers. Today I came across and article in the Wall Street Journal on Obama and his comments about Clarence Thomas. Over the past weekend, both Obama and McCain were invited to the Evangelical congregation at the Saddleback Church Forum. Both candidates attended as they are both competing for the overrated Evangelical vote (who are really a minority in America.. but that's neither here, nor there). Both Candidates were asked who they would have not appointed to the Supreme Court and Obama chose Thomas, along with Scalia and Roberts.

After reading blogs and random comments many people were slightly offended and taken aback by his comments and showed that this was another example of Obama's Elitism view of society. Jessie Jackson, who's ri-dunk-ulous and absurd comments got him in trouble recently, gave an interesting opinion, that others have whispered under their breath (for fear of being maimed and stoned to death from die hard Obama supports) and discussed in other closed quarters....

Has Obama in his attempt to Unify everyone and do everything to negate the idea of being a "Black President", presented himself to be more of an "Elitist" or are these the opinions of individuals with a very "Clouded Vision" of today's present day society?

Now this "Clouded Vision" can be an unintentional response to the constant negative stereotypes of Black men in society and those who stray from those stereotypes are seen as "sellouts" or "bougie". Or it could be that his "polished look" and charismatic voice are seen as fake by some people because "he can't relate to us". Regardless of the reason, as we approach the Democratic convention, I sincerely hope that this "clouded vision" begins to dissipate. This time, more than ever, the democratic party needs to get serious about bringing UNITY. Because, even though most wont admit it (and most of you know I don't give 2 cents about others opinions), I really believe in my heart that if Obama was a White male.... same age, educational status, work experience, same personality, commanding and attractive wife and stable family, with the exact same political views...... we would NOT be having so much discussion about whether he is "real enough", "experienced enough", "smart enough", "black enough", "Christan enough", and any other ridiculous divisive opinion.

Just my 06 cents about the situation.

Hope everyone has a good Monday.... I'M OUT... DEUCES!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just cuz Grandma did it, does NOT make it right!!

Okay folks.... So you know I got some beef with some of you. Since I've decided to get serious about my health, get back on my "Run or Die" workout plan, and watch my diet.... I have had some VERY interesting conversations with people about health. And sadly, the majority of African Americans have memiced their bad diet choices and health behaviors from their Grandparents, who most likely had very little knowledge about the things we did and eat and how it would affect us in the long run. I right now i'm about to rant about three things: FOOD, WEIGHT, and FINANCE.


Okay so you know this is my #1 problem with us. Yes soul food tastes good, Yes you know that bad for you. But, why do we still eat it?..... ANSWER: "Cuz grandma made it and she's 75 and she aint dead yet" That answer sums up about 80-90% of the reasons I hear. Yes grandma is 75 and she aint dead yet, but she also got high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes (BKA "Suga"), colon problems, poor circulation problems, had 8 bypass surgeries, a collapsed kidney, 2 ulcers, and God only knows what kind of Cancer is waiting at her doorstep with a "Guess what you've just won" envelope. Now I loved my grandparents to death, but although they have helped to shape my parents and I into who I am today, they have unfortuantely, also motivated me pursue my career in public health. I have lost BOTH sets of grandparents to cancer (prostate, breast, and ovarian), and too many uncles and aunts from (prostate, lung, and colon). And lets not get started on our lovely friend Diabetes. And although I LOVE them from the deepests pits of my soul and pray that God grant them with the blessing of paradise..... I REFUSE to allow myself to go down this path, If I can do things now to help prevent them.


This past Friday, I saw probally the most disturbing thing i've seen in a while. Four women (obviously related) came in Applebee's for dinner. A Grandmother, her daughter, and 2 grandkids. What was the obvious trend between them... they were all excessively overweight. One of the kids couldn't have been any more than 10 years old... and that's what REALLY bothered me. We teach our kids to do right from wrong and tell them to live their live's in the example of God, Jesus, Muhammad, or whomever, but we don't provide examples of being healthy. How can we tell our kids how to stay healthy and eat right, we aren't doing them ourselves? Is our future forever doomed? When are we gonna end this vicious cycle of passing down Grandma's "Heart Attack" Mac and Cheese and stop putting in the whole damn pig (or turkey) in our greens. We've got to do better. Its time to tell Big Momma... NO. You aint gotta eat EVERYTHING you see just cuz she cooked it or tried to put it on your plate.


This is a little off from the other two topics, but i still felt the need to talk about it. People, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...... Tell Big Momma to stop hiding ALL her money in the house. Hiding money in so many damn places she forgot where da hell it was. Stop hiding all your money in the Bible, under the matress, in the empty coffee can in the kitchen, under the bathroom cabinets, and anywhere else that does not require a deposit slip. Now some of you might laugh and say "That aint me", but you aren't too far from it. Instead of getting direct deposit.... Ray Ray take his check to "Give me all yo money" Check Cashing place and go pay EVERYTHING in cash.... Rent, Water, Lights, you name it.... STOP IT..... NOW!! That mess is triffling... Please go get you a bank account. No, I take that back... Go get two: A banking and a savings acount.

ooooooo.... and another thing... Tell Big Momma to write a Will and Final Testament and stop saying "The Lord is gonna take me wheneva he says and what I can't take with me.... belong to all of ya'lls." I'm tired of seeing black folks fight over who gonna get the Big Screen TV she bought when she won the lottery after spending half of her Social Security Check.

Okay... I'm done with ya'll for today.

Stay Alive!

Spiritual Nourishment!

So.... although it was always a constant reminder in my head. It just completely clicked in my brain today that Ramadan is in less than a month, and I am REALLY REALLY, looking forward to it this year. Its really time for me to really get myself right. I've come to a crossroad in my life, when I want and need better for myself, so I'm using Ramadan this year for the jump start of some SERIOUS changes. Time to cut bad habits loose... time to cut out wack, unproductive, and trifling people out my life. So if you don't see or hear from me as much in September... just know I'm taking some "ME" time. So what exactly will me time include? Just focusing a lot of my idle, playing energy and time on nourishing myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. So less going out with the peeps, less chillin and hanging just cuz, more reading, more praying, more fasting, and putting all that energy into "ME".... not necessarily a "new ME".... Just a more polished and refined.. ME. Its 2008 everyone.... New Expectations, New Levels, No Boundaries!

Peace and Blessings!